EIP-1559 support added
Bundle scoring takes into account BASEFEE mechanisms to calculate miner's revenue from bundles.
Here is the formal definition of scoring functions:
sv0.1=∑T∈UgTΔcoinbase+∑T∈UgTpT sv0.2−pre=∑T∈UgTΔcoinbase sv0.2=∑T∈UgTΔcoinbase+∑T∈UgTpT−∑T∈M∩UgTpT sv0.3=∑T∈UgTΔcoinbase+∑T∈UgTmT−∑T∈M∩UgTmT s: bundle U score used to sort bundles.
U: ordered list of transactions T in a bundle.
M: set of transactions T in the mempool.
gT: gas used by transaction T.
pT: gas price of transaction T.
cT: fee cap per gas of transaction T.
δT: priority fee per gas of transaction T.
eT: effective fee per gas of transaction T equal min(cT, BASEFEE + δT).
mT: miner fee per gas of transaction T equal eT - BASEFEE.
Δcoinbase: coinbase difference from direct payment.